In an event in Madrid, evangelicals celebrated four decades of uninterrupted broadcasting of the evangelical programme on national television RTVE.
Only in relatively recent times has much of education become secularised. Compulsory and universal education is simply taken for granted. But how did we get there?
“The ideas of the Reformers spread rapidly throughout Europe, emphasising freedom of conscience”, stressed an evangelical leader at the presentation of the initiative.
Luther had the help of the artist Lucas Cranach, who was commissioned to illustrate many theological tracts in order to make a visual impact on readers.
The Reformers tried to persuade their audience to live a life based on what Christ had done on the Cross for man. For Luther and the Reformation movement it was important to preach with simplicity and clarity.
Religion is necessarily soteriological, meaning it is about the regeneration of individuals and the restoration of all that was lost through the fall.
What Kuyper calls ‘Calvinism’ is an all-embracing bible-based worldview explaining the sovereignty of God over every aspect of life and creation.
Some reformers talked of the Book of Words (the Bible) and the Book of Works (creation), both of which were to be explored to reveal more of God’s glory..
The 'anti-separatism' law strengthens the secularist narrative ahead of the 2022 elections. Meanwhile, a depersonalised Christmas continues to be celebrated on the streets.
31 October, Reformation Day. Learn more about two of the most influential Reformers in 16th century Europe.
The differences between Rome and Protestantism.
The monument depicting Calvin, Farel, Bèze and Knox appeared covered in paint with the rainbow colours. The city files a complaint.
Rome's problems are a lot more radical than they seem.
Why Christians aren't devil-worshippers.
Reviving a forgotten means of grace.
Remembering the Dutch reformer, Hendrik de Cock.
The biblical doctrines which the Reformers rediscovered and emphasised provided the framework out of which modern medicine was available eventually to develop.
The play “Memory of Ashes” recreates episodes of the life of the man who first translated the New Testament into Spanish.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
Concerts, workshops, special events in a weekend festival co-organised by the Protestant state church and free evangelical entities.
We should pause to ask what causal links can be demonstrated between the Reformation and economic growth, democratic stability, and social justice in Protestant-background countries.
It is unusual that the Council of a big Spanish city officially promotes and supports an evangelical event.
The need to recover the God of the Bible.
The only way the Reformation could possibly not still matter would be if beauty, goodness, truth, joy and human flourishing no longer mattered.
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