Preach to present Christ. Offer Christ rather than a program for self-improvement. Invite people to know and to love Him.
Let’s take to heart the strength of Jesus’ conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount for ourselves and for others.
It does take effort, and prayer, and time, to make sense of the Bible, but no matter how tough some parts may be, it can be understood.
Psalm 46 is an anchor to the truth that God can and must be trusted in the darkest of times.
Pray that God will give you the faith, persistence and determination to keep on praying, even when we seem to be getting no response.
In Germany, only 1.6% read the Bible every day, although half of the population is a member of one of the historic churches.
‘His Only Son’, now screening in Europe after winning over audiences in the US, depicts one of the iconic scenes of the Old Testament. We spoke to the director, David Helling.
The film, which is landing in European cinemas, connects a controversial story in the Old Testament to the good news of the gospel message.
Scriptures abound in stories in which animals perform important pedagogical functions.
Over 200 students of different ages and backgrounds have already participated in this biblical training programme. An article by Marisa Guardiola.
The sixth edition of the Rome Scholars and Leaders Network was held in Rome.
The German Chancellor comes from a Lutheran family. He speaks about the Christian influence in society but remains silent about his personal beliefs.
Ordine, who recently passed away, stresses the importance of acquiring education and knowledge as an end in itself and not just as a means of material enrichment.
Lives are not transformed by to-do lists. They can help, but they remain mostly on the surface.
The Anglican cathedral and an Episcopal church in Khartoum were also raided by gunman, while an evangelical church was partially burned.
Wonderful enrichment for life and haunting warnings await us if we just travel into the Bible with our hearts open and ready to learn.
Meta trains its new Massively Multilingual Speech AI models with data from Bible recordings and makes them available on open access software.
“Young people have lost hope and the meaning of life […] The authority of the Bible must be restored”, says a Finnish Christian doctor and writer.
We have probably all made some, or all, of these mistakes.
The project, which involves people from different evangelical churches in the northwest of Spain, is the first step towards having a complete Bible translation in Galician.
Bruce Nicholls gives a rapid overview of the issue of climate change and then concentrates on the Christian response.
Items that can be helpful in supporting children and young people with a range of additional needs.
God’s pattern is for suffering now to be followed by glory later. It was true for Jesus, for Peter’s readers then, and it is true for Peter’s readers now.
Noah and Matteo were the most chosen for new-borns in 2022. In Berlin, the number one was Mohammed.
Oriol Jara, a successful scriptwriter for comedy TV shows in Spain, shares how his life took a radical change when he encountered Jesus.
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