However safe and self-sufficient we felt, a virus has reminded us of the fragility of life and has brought us face to face with death.
Christian counsellor, Emoke Tapolyai, warns about “the culture that feeds young people with the lie of `you can have it all´”, and analyses how to help them cope with the anxiety that it brings.
Our point of reference has to remain the Lord and not coronavirus. It’s necessary to affirm God’s control over the whole situation and the need to repent before Him.
The Bible offers not only encouragement for personal faith in a time of crisis, but also wisdom and insight to guide the Christian in a position of public leadership or influence.
Young people aged 13-17 point to “pressure to get good grades” as the main cause, says a survey of Pew Research Center conducted in the US.
A review of John Mark Comer’s latest book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.
Every 40 seconds, one person commits suicide worldwide, the WHO reports. Christian psychiatrist Pablo Martínez analyses this difficult issue.
“The problem of anxiety requires a firm hope that is not utopia”, says psychiatrist Pablo Martínez.
Salinger was born in New York to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. This mixture set Salinger off on a continuous quest for answers from different creeds.
Church leaders are usually “at the limit of their emotional and spiritual resources”, says José Hutter, theologian and pastor in Spain. A national seminar will address the challenges of Christian leadership.
A MSF study warns about the high number of refugees in Italy who suffer mental health disorders due to the situation in their countries, the trauma of the journey and the inadequate reception conditions.
Man can proclaim the death of God but he cannot eliminate the 'thirst for God'. We find here the key answer to existential anxiety: our need for relationships is -and will always be- two-dimensional: with our fellow human beings, but also with our Creator.
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