Self-denial is essential in the Christian life (Matthew 16:24), but unless it is coupled with following Jesus in the path of love, mercy and service, it will be of no benefit to our character.
The German Evangelical Alliance had previously said that “the planned law is not coherent with its assumptions. We advocate for freedom of choice”.
Jealousy and suspicion in marriages needs to be acknowledged, brought into the open and brought to resolution.
In the Bible, the concept of measurements and weight are intricately connected to the idea of judgement.
Beech trees need cool, nutrient-rich soil, as well as plenty of rain and atmospheric humidity. These conditions are not common in Palestine, so there are not likely to have been any beech groves there.
How easy it is to attach God’s name to our particular cause, to our political party, to our church denomination, and boldly proclaim to the world, ‘God is on our side’.
The draft law proposes euthanasia in a month for those with an incurable or disabling illness. Spanish evangelicals ask for “better palliative care and support for people in dependence”
He often used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
“God the Father, the Son and the Spirit are at work in our lives, through the gospel, to bring us into a relationship with theTrinity”, Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo, says.
Early results show that there could be several options on the table to form a new government.
The FREPAP party combines distorted elements of Christianity and Incan traditions. Followers of the religious Andean cult believe that the founder Ezequiel Ataucusi, died in 2000, was the representation of Christ on Earth.
The country enters into a transition period of 11 months to negotiate free movement of people and other key issues. Christians are called to “model healing”, says the Evangelical Alliance.
Why God’s four questions in Genesis 3 should still be asked today.
The Modern Slavery law would give victims at least 12 months of guaranteed support. Charity CARE asks Christians to contact their local MP to support the initiative.
A referendum on 9 February gives the Swiss a chance to reject the changes in the Penal Code already approved by the Parliament. The norm could create freedom of expression conflicts, the Evangelical Alliance says.
Social Democrat Pedro Sánchez is confirmed as Prime Minister after forming a government with leftists Podemos. The growing socio-political polarisation makes dialogue difficult, evangelicals say.
Certain food agencies are considering the possibility that in the future insects could become the main source of protein for humanity. The Bible envisaged this scenario thousands of years ago.
Both goverments pass resolutions avoiding parliament. Massive pro-life demonstrations in both countries question the measures.
The EU adopted a resolution which calls “for an end to violations against the freedom of Christians and other religious minorities to worship”
The disciples had proved powerless and the father’s faith was limited. It is God alone who decides who will be healed or not, rather than the level of faith or lack of faith of the parents.
Representatives of Christian police associations share a project to prevent cases of suicide in the security forces with Polish and Spanish Members of the European Parliament.
In the Louvre Museum, Paris, there are several objects that will provide an interesting approach to biblical archaeology.
Far-right party Vox more than doubles its support and becomes third party in the Spanish parliament. Catalan and Basque pro-independence groups also celebrate gains.
The Israelites in Moses’ time kept God at a distance and, if we are honest with ourselves, we often struggle with this today. Yet the promise remains: Come near to God and he will come near to you.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
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