A genetic study of the remains of an old cemetery confirms their Mediterranean origin, as the Old Testament says.
New Democracy’s Kyriakos Mitsotakis wins the the parliamentary election. The hard financial crisis was key in the defeat of outgoing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Thousands of New Testaments will be distributed this summer by volunteers at the border ports in Southern Spain.
The Christian Democrat has lead three German government ministries: Family, Health and Defense. Of a Protestant family, she was born in Belgium and has 7 children.
Evangelicals help lead the “Alliance against exportation of weapons to countries in Civil War”. The popular initiative brings together people from all areas of society.
An agreement approved by the Danish Parliament stipulates that parents must go through a 3-month ‘reflection period’ before divorce.
The Bible only mentions ebony once, in the book of Ezekiel.
What did it mean to be a priest during the time of Moses? What ideas did the holiness of priests convey?
Professor John Lennox examines the three supernatural events in the first three chapters of Acts: Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost, and the healing of a lame man by the Apostles.
VIctor Hugo’s perspective helps us realise we cannot take the privilege of voting in the European elections for granted. This weekend saw the highest turnout in the EP elections.
Highest turnout in 20 years. Despite victories in France and Italy, nationalist populists will only be the fifth force in Brussels. Liberal Democrats and Greens are seen as winners of the night.
Let’s vote for those who value a Europe of partnership, respect, compassion, peace, equality and freedom.
Most countries vote on Sunday, but Britons, Dutch, Czech, Irish and Latvians did so earlier. Evangelicals called to “vote prayerfully and responsibly”.
Both God’s love and judgement are intensified in the New Testament, says Paul Caopn, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics of Palm Beach Atlantic University (US).
Let's pray for the next 5 years of the European Union to be a period where wise and just decisions are made to face the economic, technological, environmental, social and security challenges.
The Hindu fundamentalism or Hindutva has important implications for India and global mission.
They oppose new legislation on carrying weapons, one of the priorities of the Brazilian President.
What is the attitude of the parties / candidates towards freedom of religion for all, including in public? How will they make sure that people of all faiths and none can live together as good neighbours?
The 2019 European Freedom Network conference will be held in Italy. “God has used many instrumental Christians over time to address the issue of slavery”, says Leanne Rhodes.
A well-functioning Parliament is an important guarantor of a well-functioning European Union that knows its role and place.
Do we see that what every child brings to Jesus, whether they have additional needs or not, is enough and can be used by him?
Since no political party has a monopoly on truth and wisdom, Christians will vote in different ways. But, there is still huge value in praying and discussing together, asking for the Lord’s blessing and mercy.
The high turnout (76%) punished the conservative People's Party. New far-right party Vox enters parliament but will not be able to influence government.
The rise of far-right populism anticipates an unstable scenario. Evangelicals issued “Vote Wisely”, a guide offering biblical reflection on education, migration, economy, and other socio-political issues.
The electoral campaign starts in 27 countries. “This is our opportunity to influence, through our prayers, questions and vote. Let’s not miss this chance”, says the European Evangelical Alliance.
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