“Churches can help children with prayer, counseling and spiritual care”, say the World Evangelical Alliance and the Christian association World Without Orphans.
Alejandro Giammattei, President of Guatemala: “This is a day to celebrate that we have a country that learns, teaches and does everything possible to respect life from conception to natural death".
“Church members and friends have opened their houses, we cook for them, take care of the medicines, organise their trips”, says a Christian worker in Hungary. In Romania, “churches work together to be more efficient”.
Vitaly Vlasenko, a pastor in Moscow, in an open letter: “As a citizen, I apologize to all those who have suffered, lost loved ones and relatives, or lost their place of residence”.
Ukrainian evangelicals between political and missional responsibilities.
The EU said that migration along the West African Atlantic route to the Canary Island is increasing, with “at least 73 boat accidents killing 1,109 migrants” in 2021.
“Almost every church in Moldova is doing something, there is pain not fear”, says a Christian worker in Moldova. A Finnish journalist: “We have 1,300 km of common border, battles with Russia are deep in our nation’s memory”.
Muslims accused church members of hostility toward Islam by holding gatherings on Fridays, the Muslim day of mosque prayer.
Six stages for building peace for Israel-Palestine and other nations. An article by Daniel Munayer.
Today everything revolves around being better or worse than someone else, but God teaches us that we should never look down on anyone.
Those who suffer most in conflict zones are children and young people with additional needs and disabilities.
The Guatemalan government celebrates a solemn act in the National Palace for the declaration of the country as Pro-Life Capital, with national and Latin American leaders.
If Jesus' disciples in the comfort of the West simply go on living while complaining about how much more it costs to go out for a nice dinner, we are not obeying the way of Jesus.
Over 2.3 million have left Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion two weeks ago. Evangelical congregations on the other side of the continent connect to welcome families fleeing the war.
The Missions Working Group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance launches an initiative for the collaboration of churches and organisations that send missionaries from Spain.
We should be realistic about contributing factors of burnout, sensitive to underlying stressors, and proactive in our care for one another.
The Law for the Protection of Life and the Family passed with 101 votes in favour, 51 abstentions and 8 against. Evangelicals presented 100,000 signatures requesting the approval.
Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Mario Adolfo Búcaro talks about the country's declaration as the Latin American pro-life capital, and its policies in defence of the unborn.
Her fascination with Jesus fills us with hope. As Kafka said, Jesus is “an abyss of light. You must close your eyes so as not to fall into it”.
Two million people have already fled Ukraine. Many are unaccompanied children who will suffer “a detrimental psychological impact”, Christian NGOs warn.
Interview with Ruslan Maliuta, who serves with OneHope and WEA and was global facilitator for World Without Orphans, one week after the beginning of the Russian army's attack on the country. Recorded: 4 March 2022.
Evangelical groups seek to show the roots of equality between women and men in the Bible. Abuse in society and a lack of voice in churches are still visible obstacles, says the World Evangelical Alliance.
The 3- hour class aims “to equip us with practical knowledge and skills for courageous idol removal in our life and in the lives of those we serve”.
Russian historian Andrey Zubov: “Putin says ‘Russia wants this’ or ‘Russia demands that’. No, it’s Putin and the Kremlin making demands — not Russia or Russians”.
The largest evangelical denomination in Spain held its annual congress in a hybrid format under the theme "Do it again!"
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