Although researchers have repeatedly established that marriage is associated with numerous positive outcomes for both adults and children, few dare to champion marriage publically out of fear of sounding judgemental.
A ‘sharp right turn’ is coming up fast as we approach elections across Europe this year, at both national and European levels. Migrant-scapegoating and nationalism is on the rise in our continent.
Olga is a survivor. The first time she escaped death was before she was even born. She was a Chernobyl baby, later a war refugee.
While we may think of Epiphany as marking the end of the Christmas season, it should remind us that the Incarnation points to a message to be lived out all year long.
We acknowledge that the source of goodness in our lives lies at least partially outside ourselves: other people, nature, and ultimately God.
In a Europe that has widely turned its back on the story that, far more than any other, has shaped its culture and civilisation, Christmas remains a paradox.
Whenever we see a Christmas star these dark days, we can be encouraged that the Light of the Gentiles has indeed come.
Five hundred participants at the European Parliament Prayer Breakfast in Brussels last Wednesday listened intently to a Palestinian Christian leader and others who are suffering under the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Democracy cannot simply be taken for granted. Vigilance is essential to resist unbridled self-interest and to promote the human dignity of all and human rights for all.
The Maltese are proud of their Christian heritage stretching back to Paul’s shipwreck on their island. How might God want to turn the ‘raging storms’ presently buffeting Europe and the Middle East into the advance of his kingdom?
On Halloween, Protestants commemorate Martin Luther’s dramatic start to the Reformation. The next day, Catholics will pray for departed souls. Believe it or not, these events all have a common connection.
As the Dutch led the way in shipping, map-making, navigation, trade, art and science, new ideas about God, man and the cosmos were conceived by Amsterdam-based thinkers like Descartes, Locke and Spinoza.
Many European Christians are susceptible to becoming more Islamophobic after Islamic terrorist attacks. They have voted for extreme right-wing populist parties focusing on the perceived threat of the Islamisation of Europe.
Politicians, diplomats and intercessors from the Nordic and Baltic nations gathered in Helsinki for a prayer breakfast near the Finnish parliament.
In the story of redemption, God enters into our vulnerability. He does not keep bad things from happening even to himself – as the God-man.
The European Parliament building, with its circular auditorium for parliamentary gatherings, is built right over the Maalbeek-swamp. Recently the building was discovered to be sinking –about one centimetre each year.
Remember how 2020 was expected to be a watershed year? The hopes that Covid-19 would force lifestyle changes?
The ‘heroic virtues’ of Robert Schuman, were recognised by Pope Francis two years ago in the first stage of a long process towards canonisation.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
In the midst of our storms, whether global or local, universal or personal,we need to bring our anxieties to the One who rebuked the wind and the waves.
For Ukrainians, this is more than a minor issue of grammar. It involves the whole reason why Putin launched his misguided ‘special military operation’ in the first place.
In Mission '87, Graham Kendrick and I shared the worship leading for the 10,000 young people coming from all corners of Western Europe and even a smattering from across the Iron Curtain.
TIME Magazine coined the phrase ‘Jesus Revolution’ to describe the sudden surge in young people turning to the Christian faith in the ’70s.
The shameful heritage of slavery is shared by both Protestant and Catholic countries in Europe. The Netherlands was one of the last nations to abolish it.
George was indefatigable, in prayer, in evangelism, in mobilisation, in fund-raising and in correspondence to fellow labourers around the globe.
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