The French prepare with “anticipation and anxiousness” for Paris 2024. An effort uniting churches and Christian ministries connects with society through sport events, social action, and gospel outreach.
Charlie Catlett, an experienced computer scientist who explains Artificial Intelligence to non-experts, speaks to Evangelical Focus. “Chatbots are non-persons, and you shouldn’t be having a personal relationship with a non-person”.
The bill aims to give better alternatives to mothers in fragile economic situations. In Italy, evangelicals welcome it as a way of complying with the 1978 law.
There is no data yet on how Christians voted, but after 7 July, Protestants say they want a France where all sensibilities are respected.
Christians from Germany, Spain and Italy comment on how passionately Euro 2024 is being followed in their respective countries. There are fewer players on the field with a public faith than in the past.
Evangelicals say elected representatives must be respected but “postures of hatred, invective rejected”. The RN says it will prioritise security and immigration restrictions.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France calls to work to make sure “divisions do not find their way into our communities”. Thierry Le Gall explains why there is a “divorce” between President Macron and Bible-believing churches.
Emmanuel Macron’s “haughty” ways are also losing evangelicals, who go from broadly supporting him to opposing the President’s restriction of religious freedom and his laws on abortion and euthanasia.
Believers in England, Poland and Switzerland describe how churches connect football and the gospel and point to players known for being committed Christians.
In the book ‘Praying Through Infertility’, Sheridan Voysey collects the reflections of many who struggle with childlessness. “Infertility can raise significant questions about God’s care, power, and the efficacy of prayer”.
Christians who trust in the lordship of Jesus Christ do not have a strong political influence. But what we do have, and probably underestimate, is a hope for the future of Europe.
Computer scientist Charlie Catlett comments on the cascade of new technologies coming to our mobile devices. “Those who will implement the best applications of AI are now probably in high school”.
Wisla in Poland was a hustle and bustle of conversations fostered by the extensive programme of the European Leadership Forum conference. These were the highlights from our point of view.
After a murder attempt that left the prime minister seriously injured, Christians share their reflections from the ground.
Activists and politicians want to allow people to register as ‘non-binary’. An evangelical member of parliament says it would be a mistake: “People’s subjective perceptions can change over time”.
Christians & European elections (4). The representative in Brussels of the European Evangelical Alliance says voters need to understand that “politics won’t be able to solve all problems overnight”.
The National Evangelical Council of France describes the new draft law as an “attack on humanity” as it puts pressure on “socially fragile people who feel a kind of duty to leave life”.
Christians & European Elections (3). The Moldovan Valeriu Ghiletchi leads a movement of Christian politicians in Europe. He calls on citizens to defend the rights enjoyed on the continent.
The 85-year-old evangelist known for ‘The Cross and The Switchblade’ says “honesty” and “vulnerability” are needed to preach the Gospel to a lonely generation.
Nicky Cruz’s story has impacted millions. Now a seasoned evangelist, the former New York gang leader continues to tell the message of love at the heart of the Christian gospel. An interview ahead of his participation in events in Madrid, Spain (May 2024).
Christians & European Elections (2). Evangelical voices in six countries agree on seeking more collaboration and foresight to maintain peace. Most rule out pacifist approaches.
Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels: “The fact that a majority in the Parliament calls for abortion as a human right is no doubt discomforting to many if not all Evangelicals across Europe”.
Christians & European elections. In the Netherlands and Romania, believers express disappointment with the main ideologies in Brussels. In France and Italy, the EU is perceived as distant.
Some churches are wondering how to “secure their future in a denominational structure that is moving away from them theologically and ethically”, says an Anglican minister in Newcastle.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
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