We must call on Europe to make a critical assessment of the results of its policy of renouncing the biblical worldview. We must offer hope for revitalisation.
Some evangelicals still do not know how to translate the Bible into more political areas than the defence of life and family; Carter opened a way for us to explore.
If we seek ultimate glory in the human being, we will travel all the paths of Ecclesiastes' frustration.
Personal relationships were initiated or deepened, and synergy initiatives opened up. The call to build an intercultural and intergenerational church struck a chord.
I propose you to read, listen, contemplate the passion and death of Jesus through a different and incomparable medium: Johann Sebastian Bach’s music.
In the midst of a Europe dying of scepticism and shrinking back in fear and pain, there is still room for hope, and that hope is brought by the children of God.
We talk to Salvador Martí, a Christian police officer and creator of a safeguardind workshop for children.
On 14th November the centenary was celebrated in the Igreja do Mirante, the oldest evangelical church in Porto.
The news about my dear brother hit me and compelled me to write. Enough is enough! Let's stop speculating about the vaccine!
The coronavirus is taking many of our grandpas and grandmas. Most are on their own, isolated in hospitals, and we do not have the chance of giving them one last embrace.
“In these last protests against electoral fraud, the churches were with the people, praying in the streets”, an evangelical pastor explains.
Irina Volodrska (Jews For Jesus, Ukraine) and Elia Daoud (Evangelical Alliance of Arabic Speakers in Europe) speak about how they share the gospel with their own people.
In the battle of language, this diffuse form of populism is defining what is “progressive” and what is not, and thus imposing its ideas on society.
Populism presents itself as the real, orthodox incarnation of popular will but makes itself unaccountable.
The Bible shows us examples of legitimate opposition to the abuse of power by those in authority, and it is not simply limited to the subject of preaching the Gospel.
“The response of pastors and churches was excellent”, says promoter of the marches Hugo Marquez in an interview.
A doctor visiting the Dominican Republic shares his thoughts after the storm.
Christians hope to get 2.5 million signatures to have a referendum in the 2018 elections. The question would be: “Should the State protect human life from conception as a fundamental right?”
The Ensemble Bohórquez recounted the history of salvation through the pieces of classical Protestant composers. The concert took place in Valladolid, a key Spanish city in the times of the Reformation.
I ask the Lord - who bore our griefs and pains - to erase the scars of the wounds and the pain of our Nigerian girl. And to show her that, for him and for all of us, she is a precious stone.
God suffered death in the person of Christ to bring life not only to the defenceless, but also to those who think they are powerful just because they have grenades in their belt. Christ also died for the sinners of Daesh.
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