Tom Albinson (International Association For Refugees) analyses the 2020 refugee crisis. He believes churches are key “to open the door” and help asylum seekers integrate in a new culture.
People suffering of certain long-lasting illnesses have become used to self-confinement. But many young people also feel increasingly isolated. What can our churches do to respond to this phenomenon?
Repeated Al-Shabaab attacks in the northern regions have provoked the government's military response. “When Islamists attack, they attack everyone, without discriminating”.
The de-escalation is taking place in parallel to new massive demonstrations. “We want to grow in maturity and our love for the Lord at this time, so that we can withstand whatever changes that might come”, says a pastor.
The NGO ‘Alianza Solidaria’ works with churches in Venezuela to keep the soup kitchens that distribute food to vulnerable children and their families open.
Economists Amable Morales and Jorge Saguar say churches should adapt their budgets to respond to the urgent priorities. The coronavirus “should make us think about the insecurity of the future”.
The task force, which has come to light more than six years after the Supreme Court forced its constitution, has already drawn criticism.
“Bringing people together, focusing on relationships. That could change the economy very much”, says the head of the Business Coalition of the WEA, Timo Plutschinski.
Homeless people “are much more deprived and vulnerable than before because of the epidemic”, a worker of Christian organisation Ágape +, says.
The Brussels Representative of the European Evangelical Alliance, Arie de Pater, analyses the situation of the EU amid the coronavirus, and the role of Christians in this crisis.
The proposal of two French doctors to use Africa to test coronavirus vaccines has sparked controversy. “It is not compatible with the biblical criteria of human dignity”, French evangelicals say.
In March of 2019, the tropical cyclone destroyed 90% of Beira, the second most important city in the country.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
Churches are aware that the continent is one of the least prepared regions from a sanitary standpoint. Christians maintain an attitude of prayer and service while they work alongside the authorities.
The Evangelical Hospital of Barcelona has set up a special area for Covid-19 patients. They ask churches to pray for them “to continue being a light in the midst of this pandemic”.
“We want to collaborate more with other churches, but language is a barrier”, say pastors of the Chinese Christian Churches.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
Pastors of the Chinese Christian Church in Spain explain how they handle the Covid-19 crisis. “At work, we notice discrimination. Many think that the Chinese are carriers of the virus”.
The proposal has been rejected internationally. “It is not a peace agreement, but just a ‘vision’ or ‘plan’, and that does not mean much to Israel”, a Israeli professor of international relations says.
Africa has become “an easy prey, because of its vulnerability and the abiding Western interest in the region”, says the Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
The UN International Court of Justice has issued precautionary measures to protect the Rohingya minority.
Journalist and theologian José de Segovia reflects on the evolution of culture in the last decade, how it has affected evangelical Christians, and what new challenges they face.
World leaders gather to address technology and climate changes issues in the World Economic Forum, a meeting that “has become more political”, according to economic experts.
The Prime Minister resigns after large demonstrations against political corruption and the precarious economic situation. More than 400 people died in the last 2 months.
The inequality between East and West is still visible in issues such as migration and employment. “Christians need to get involved at all levels”, says Evi Rodemann of the Lausanne Movement Europe.
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