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    Israel Olofinjana

    Baptist minister, expert in cross-cultural mission, and director of the EAUK One People Commission.

    Rev. Dr Israel Oluwole Olofinjana (PhD) is the Director of the One People Commission of the Evangelical Alliance. He is an ordained and accredited Baptist minister and has led two multi-ethnic Baptist churches and an independent charismatic church. He is the founding director of the Centre for Missionaries from the Majority World, a mission network initiative that provides cross-cultural training to reverse missionaries in Britain. Israel is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education in Birmingham and is on the Advisory Group on Race and Theology of the Society for the Study of Theology (SST). He is a consultant to Lausanne Europe, advising them on matters related to diaspora ministries in Europe. He is on the Christian Aid Working Group of Black Majority Church leaders, exploring the intersection of climate justice and racial justice and a member of Tearfund’s Theology Committee. He is also a member of Commission for Mission for the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) and lectures at Christ Theological College on themes related to World Christianity and he a visiting lecturer at All Nations Christian College and London School of Theology. He is a Yoruba Nigerian coming from a Pentecostal background. He holds a BA (Hons) in Religious Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and MTh from Carolina University of Theology (CUT). Israel’s PhD thesis, through his publications, has been to develop African British Theology, exploring African identity through Intercultural Missiology and Public Theology. He has published several books, including editing World Christianity in Western Europe: Diasporic Identity, Narratives and Missiology (2020), African Voices: Towards African British Theologies (2017), Turning the Tables on Mission: Stories of Christians from the Global South in the UK (2013) and co-editing Encountering London: London Baptists in the 21st Century (2015). He is the author of Reverse in Ministry and Missions: Africans in the Dark Continent of Europe (2010), 20 Pentecostal Pioneers in Nigeria (2011), Partnership in Mission: A Black Majority Church Perspective on Mission and Church Unity (2015) and Discipleship, Suffering and Racial Justice: Mission in a Pandemic World (2021). He is happily married to Lucy Olofinjana, who works for London City Mission (LCM) as their Evangelism Content Manager. They are blessed with one son, Iyanuoluwa (meaning God’s miracle) and Iretioluwa (meaning God’s hope).



    PROTESTANTE DIGITAL FORMA PARTE DE LA: Alianza Evangélica Española
    MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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