Because we have been made in the image of a relational God, connection with each other is woven into the fabric of our being, making tears in that fabric so painful.
We need food, shelter, friendship, purpose and more, but maybe all these needs fold into just two: bios and zoë, physical life and spiritual life.
A real encounter with God can be measured by the love for others it produces.
The now decades-old mantra that we basically construct our own lives and figure them out ourselves, hasn’t seemed to help and in most cases has left us exhausted.
Sometimes an act of grace to someone who has wronged us can save not just their life, but ours.
I decided to get proactive about joy this year. I would work at an enjoyable pace, revising my to-do list whenever joy started to ebb.
Fenn’s story gets me wondering what I’d leave everything for to find. And his poem reminds me of Jesus’ parables.
Unlike a romantic relationship where feelings are shared and commitments publicly made, friendship’s informality can make it hard to know where we stand.
Comparison is rarely helpful and on our 1-star days we can all do with a little compassion.
This royal invitation came with no plus-one, so while Merryn dined with the prince in the palace, I sat in the park with the pigeons, holding an over-priced coffee and stale muffin from the kiosk!
Wandering the Agora today, freddo espresso in hand, selfie-stick at the ready, it’s easy to relegate such devotion to a bygone age.
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