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    New Evangelical Focus
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    Erion Prendi

    Vice General Secretary for the Albania Evangelical Alliance. Co-founder of Radio 7.

    Erion lives in Tirana, Albania. He gave his life to Christ at a young age and has been in full time ministry for the last 16 years. Erion was recently elected Vice General Secretary for the Albania Evangelical Alliance. He is a member of the founding board of Radio 7, the largest Christian network in Albania. Since 2007, he leads “Words of Hope Albania”, an evangelistic media ministry whose aim is to proclaim Jesus Christ through media and literature, seeking to build the church by winning the uncommitted to faith in Christ and by encouraging Christians in their life of discipleship. His passion is to advance God’s Kingdom and to see the church rise up by living a missional life style. This passion has taken him closer to the local church where he is motivating young professionals to put their faith in action. Erion serves on the executive board of Mission-Net, a Jesus-centred European community living and promoting a missional lifestyle; making Jesus and his kingdom known across Europe and the world. The same passion led Erion to launch “Glocal Connection”, an organization covering strategic areas of ministry such as Evangelism, Discipleship, Leadership Development, Education and Missions. Erion is married to his wife Elsa, a dental surgeon who leads the Albanian Christian Dental Association. Through their missional efforts, they assist local churches and people in need through dental outreaches. Twice a year, Erion teaches Leadership and Islamic Studies at the International School for Theology and Leadership and holds a degree in electronic engineering and an MA in Global Leadership and business from Dallas Baptist University in Dallas, TX.



    PROTESTANTE DIGITAL FORMA PARTE DE LA: Alianza Evangélica Española
    MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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