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European Leadership Forum starts free online Master Classes

In autumn, Peter J. Williams, Bobb Biehl and Dave Patty will lead 3-hour long free sessions. The ELF seeks to unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe.

FUENTES Forum of Christian Leaders WISLA (POLAND) 04 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2020 12:35 h
Photo: [link]J. Kelly Brito[/link], Unsplash, CC0

This year, for the first time in 18 years, the European Leadership Forum’s annual conference took place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In May, over 5,000 participants from 123 countries were equipped with a common vision of “renewing the Biblical church and spread the Gospel”.


Master Classes

“One of the lessons we learned from the Online ELF is that Christian leaders all over the world are hungry for quality teaching from world-class teachers. For this reason, we have created ELF Master Classes, which provide an opportunity to spend three hours learning from Forum speakers in a webinar format -- all from the comfort of your own home or church”, the ELF explained in a statement.

Currently there are three free Master Classes scheduled for this autumn. The first, with Peter J. Williams, will take place on Saturday, 26 September from 15.00 – 18.00 London time. The topic will be: “Can We Trust the Gospels? Evidence for the Gospels' Historical Reliability”

[photo_footer]  The first free online master class will be on the trustworthiness of the gospels. / ELF [/photo_footer] 

Peter (P.J.) Williams is the Principal (CEO) of Tyndale House, one of the leading centers in the world for the academic study of the Bible. He is the author of Can We Trust the Gospels? (Crossway).

There are two additional Master Classes scheduled for later this autumn. One with Bobb Biehl (Executive Mentor) on Growing as a Servant Leader: Personal Development (24 October from 15.00-18.00 London Time), and another with Dave Patty (Founder and President, Josiah Venture) on Spiritual Warfare (14 November from 15.00-18.00 London Time).

Find out more information about the upcoming ELF master classes and register for free here



In addition, two free 90-minute webinars are happening in September. The first will be lead by Sarah Breuel (Evangelism Training Coordinator, IFES Europe) on Leading in the Spirit (15 September from 16.00-17.30 London Time). The second, with Luke Greenwood (Director, Steiger Europe) on Confused, Alone, and Without Purpose: Can This Global Youth Culture Find Truth? (23 September from 18.00 – 19.30 London Time).

More information and registration for webinars here.


A chance to join from around the world

Nana Yaw Offei Awuku, Lausanne’s Global International Associate Director, had this to say: “In Mark 1, we hear that Jesus couldn’t publicly enter a town anywhere... but people from everywhere kept coming to Him. Jesus gave us such a similar experience to this story in Mark during ELF Online, totally breaking through the barriers of COVID-19! My greatest joy was seeing how so many key leaders and friends from around the world who weren’t able to join the in-person conference in Wisla could enjoy fruitful connections and the significant community at ELF Online! I am thrilled they can have the same experience during the year with ELF’s Master Classes and webinars.”

Kathy Noland, Student Recruitment Leader, from the Bible Institute of South Africa said: “It was a stimulating experience for this first-timer to ELF to be a part of the 2020 conference. The choice was agonizing: which course to attend?  Would it be super-academic? Would we be given constructive application?  My expectations were high. The quality of the material and the way it was presented more than met the challenge and I won't hesitate to urge you to log on for the Master Classes later this year. Not only is the delivery first-class, but thanks to the technology, no one is left out of the experience. It's a community of international believers, on one platform, sharing their gifts for the building up of the Body of Christ.”

For more information write to Kevin Saylor: ksaylor(at)




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