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European election: last call for evangelicals

The Evangelical Alliances in Sweden, Austria, Germany and Spain offer resources to give reasons to vote for the European Parliament, on 6-9 June.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BRUSSELS 06 DE JUNIO DE 2024 15:29 h
Microphones of national media in the European Parliament. / Photo: [link]Flickr European Parliament[/link].

The time to express which direction the European Union should take has come as over 400 million people in 27 countries are called to vote.

Most member states will collect the votes on Sunday 9 June, but some, like the Netherlands (6 June), Ireland (7 June), Czechia (7-8 June) and Italy (8-9 June) are deciding earlier.

The new European Parliament will have 720 members, and out of it a new European government (called the European Commission) will be formed to address the challenges of the next 5 years. These difficult situations include the war in Ukraine, the rising prices of energy, food and housing, the debate around immigration. Also an evaluation of the effects of the Covid-19 crisis and the rise of far-right nationalistic options will shape the vote of many.


How do evangelicals see the state of the EU

In a series of articles on the European Union, Evangelical Focus asked how evangelicals in the continent see the political bloc, how they see the war in the eastern border, and how several believers seek to represent Christian values in Brussels

The European Evangelical Alliance, representing around 23 million evangelical Christians in the continent, published some weeks ago a package of resources including general context, “Biblical lenses” to understand the main issues at stake, a hope perspective in “stormy political times”, and specific prayer points ahead of the election.

“We won’t tell you how to vote but we trust that our articles will help you to elect the next Parliament responsibly”, they evangelical body represented in Brussels said.


Sweden, Germany, Austria, Spain

This initiative has now been replicated by some national Evangelical Alliances.

[photo_footer] The documents published ahead of the European Parliament election by the Evangelical Alliances of Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria. [/photo_footer] 

The German Evangelical Alliance published a 9-page document addressing the issues in German language, which can be read here. Additionally, it send out a special newsletter on the election to its members.

The Austrian Evangelical Alliance also published their own version of the resource pack, here. Its June edition of the magazine Allianzspiegel dedicates further articles with opinions from local Christians on issues such as politics and faith, hope in the future, Artificial Intelligence, freedom of speech or the Pride Month.

In the case of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, the document is available in their own language here.

Also the Spanish Alliance replicated the resource in Spanish language in this pdf document. An article on news website Protestante Digital titled European elections: “Ideologies yes, idolatries no” summarises its positions.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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