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13,000 attend “God Loves You” event in Krakow

Over 700 people expressed their desire to accept the Gospel in an event organised by the BGEA with 420 Polish evangelical churches.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus KRAKOW 22 DE ABRIL DE 2024 12:25 h
The Tauron Arena in Krakow, with over 13,000, at the God Loves You event of the BGEA with local evangelical churches. / Photo: [link]BGEA[/link].

The Tauron arena, in Krakow, witnessed on 13 April a large event organised by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in partnership with evangelical churches from across Poland.

As it happened in other European countries in recent years, the US evangelistic organisation led by Franklin Graham prepared the event alongside local churches.

Poland is a traditionally Roman Catholic country where less there are less than 1% of evangelical Christians.

[photo_footer] Michael W. Smith and Taya singing in Krakow, 13 April 2024. / Photo: BGEA [/photo_footer] 

Michael W. Smith, Taya, and a Polish worship band sang during the Bóg Cię Kocha (in English, God Loves You) event.

Over 13,000 filled the arena, after 420 churches from 15 evangelical denominations in the country mobilised them.


Luke 15

According to the BGEA website, Franklin Graham preached from Luke 15, “about the prodigal son running from his father, only to return later and ask for forgiveness. His father was overjoyed and immediately forgave his son, just as God does for those who come to Him”.

[photo_footer] Franklin Graham and his Polish interpreter, preaching at the 13 April 2024 event in Krakow. / Photo: BGEA [/photo_footer] 

The evangelist told the audience that God “will come into your heart and life if you invite Him (…) but you have to confess your sins, repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ”. Graham’s message was translated into Polish, Ukrainian (there are thousands of refugees in Poland), and sign language.

Over 700 people specifically expressed their decision to follow Jesus Christ and start a journey as new Christians.


“Growing evangelical cooperation” in Poland

After the event, Andrzej Bajenski, bishop of the Churches of Christ in Poland, told the news website Christian Daily International that, in a country where evangelicals are often overseen, an event with “several thousand participants cannot go unnoticed”.

[photo_footer] The event was advertised throughout Krakow and in the media. / Photo: BGEA [/photo_footer] 

“For smaller everyday communities, large events are important because, thanks to them, we realize that there are more and more of us, and we can create a ‘big mouthpiece’ for the gospel message.”

Bajenski hoped that such efforts to proclaim the Gospel together will help evangelical denominations in Poland to “learn to grow in cooperation despite our differences”.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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