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European Evangelical Alliance launches resource package ahead of European elections

The EEA says it will not tell Christian in Europe “how to vote” but aim to offer a resource to “help you to elect the next Parliament responsibly”.

FUENTES EEA AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BRUSSELS 05 DE ABRIL DE 2024 17:50 h
European Parliament in Brussels. / Photo: [link]Paolo Margari[/link], Unsplash, CC0.

The European Union will hold elections for its Parliament between June 6-9, when the citizens of 27 countries will decide who represents them for the next five years.

As it did in the last elections, the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) calls on all Europe’s more than 20 million evangelicals to participate in the European elections.

That is why it has launched a resource pack “designed to inspire individuals, local churches and Evangelical Alliances to pray, think, ask questions and encourage others to do the same”.


“Your vote or no-vote will have an impact”

“Politics is what everyone who chooses to get involved can do and say to help shape the society they live in. If we opt out, others will carry on doing the shaping almost certainly in ways we don’t like. It may seem that citizens have little possible influence over the affairs of the city, but let’s hold on to what we can do”, they say.

The EEA warns that “although the Parliament might have no direct authority over healthcare, family issues, and education, it adopted positions on women’s rights, the definition of marriage, on what constitutes a family, and other moral and ethical issues”.

“This is all to say that nobody can be indifferent about European elections, about who will be representing you and your nation in the European Parliament. Your vote or no-vote will have an impact”, adds the evangelical entity.


EEA resource pack

The resource pack has three articles: Why it matters; Considering politics with Biblical lenses and Hope in stormy political times, as well as suggested prayer points, because “Christians may vote for different political parties but there is great significance in praying together in humility and unity for our nations and our continent”.

According to the EEA, “these resources are designed to remind us that our hope is in Jesus Christ alone, that He is the only one who can allay our fears”.

“As EEA, we won’t tell you how to vote but we trust that our articles will help you to elect the next Parliament responsibly”, they conclude.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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