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Christian activists “thrilled” at the prospect of European Parliament adopting ‘Nordic model’ on prostitution

The Committee for Women’s Rights & Gender Equality of the European Parliament has passed a report on prostitution that could shape the future policies all across Europe.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BRUSSELS 30 DE JUNIO DE 2023 17:38 h
Maria Noichl, who led the report on prostitution approved by the Committee for Women’s Rights & Gender Equality of the European Parliament. / Photo: [link]PES Communications[/link].

The Committee for Women’s Rights & Gender Equality of the European Parliament has passed a report on prostitution that could shape the future policies all across Europe.

The group, presided by the German parliamentarian Maria Noichl (Social Democrats), has agreed to define prostitution as a form of violence against women, and opt for a strategy that criminalises pimps and buyers of sex.

The report calls the European Parliament as a whole to adopt a policy that prioritises the known as ‘Nordic Model’ (the strategy in countries like Sweden) in which instead of opting for a legalisation of the so-called sex industry, prostituted women are considered victims of sexual exploitation and brothels are banned.

This report comes as countries like Germany and the Netherlands, were prostitution has been legal for over 20 years, have not seen the intended increase in wellbeing of women and abuses and trafficking have continued to be denounced. Meanwhile, France has opted to follow the steps of Sweden.

The European Parliament as a whole will vote in September if it opts for this new approach and encourages all members states to adopt policies that criminalise the demand of prostitution.


EFN: “We hope this becomes law and practice”

One of the groups in Europe advocating for this approach is the European Freedom Network (EFN), which unites 270 associations fighting human trafficking and exploitation who share a common Christian ethos.

“We are thrilled that the committee has passed this report supporting the Equality or 'Nordic Model'”, the EFN told Evangelical Focus. “We hope the Parliament as a whole backs it and that the European Commission proposes legislation to make this law and practice actually happen across the European Union”.

The EFN stands “for a model of law and policy practice which ensures that the individuals exploited in prostitution are not criminalised and have easy access to effective exiting programmes. Alongside this support for the victims should be the criminalisation of the buyer and the controller of people who are being exploited”, the group added.

This is the second time the EFN expresses its satisfaction regarding a European Parliament initiative in just one month. They also praised a new European directive that will force companies to address labour exploitation better.





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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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