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In Poland, 750 evangelical leaders gather to strenghten connections for mission in Europe

The Bible expositions and evening plenaries of the European Leadership Forum (19-24 May) in Wisla will be streamed online.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus WISLA (POLAND) 16 DE MAYO DE 2023 09:00 h
A plenary session of the 2022 ELF conference. / Photo: [link]ELF[/link]

Read the report summarising the 2023 ELF conferece in Poland here.


Over 750 evangelical leaders from all countries of Europe will be gathering in the town of Wisla (south of Poland) for a week of the annual European Leadership Forum (ELF).

The invitation-only event is an effort to bring together workers of representative Christian ministries from all regions to encourage, train and support each other.

From 19-24 May, the gathering seeks to “unite, equip, and resource evangelical leaders to renew the biblical church and evangelise Europe”.

The intense week will include morning Bible Expositions by Conrad Mbewe (Kabwata Baptist Church, Zambia) and evening talks addressing cultural trends in Europe, the church, and mission. Testimonies and interviews will introduce projects worth following. 

The day-long programm includes thematic networks (apologetics, church planting, artists, media communicators, scientist, among several others) and a over 50 seminars in the afternoons.

Evangelical organisations of all kinds, including Evangelical Focus, are going to present in Wisla, sharing their work in the Forum Expo.

The ELF annual gathering seeks to be as representative as possible of the European reality, and therefore participants from Southern and Eastern European countries are offered scholarships to attend the conference.

A large bookstore with both reference works and new publications at a discounted price is also used by attendants to resource their ministries for nations in which Christian literature is not very accessible.

The organisation has announced that the main sessions of the morning and evening will be streamed online for free to anyone to access: on the Forum of Christian Leaders’ website and on its Youtube Channel.


Sessions streamed online

Saturday, 20 May

Michael Reeves: “The Gospel as Cure for the Church Today”. Time: 7:30 pm CEST / 1:30 pm EDT / 10:30 am PDT

Sunday, 21 May

Conrad Mbewe: “Our God Who Never Changes: Grasping the Eternal Love and Glory of God” (Malachi 1:1-14). Time: 8:30 am CEST / 2:30 am EDT / 11:30 pm PDT the night before

Monday, 22 May

Conrad Mbewe: “Our God Who Never Changes: Leading Churches and Families God's Way” (Malachi 2:1-16) Time: 8:30 am CEST / 2:30 am EDT / 11:30 pm PDT the night before

Julia Garschagen:How the Good News of Jesus Became Bad News”. Time: 7:30 pm CEST / 1:30 pm EDT / 10:30 am PDT

Tuesday, 23 May

Conrad Mbewe: “Our God Who Never Changes: Thinking It Does Not Pay to Serve This God” (Malachi 2:17-3:12). Time: 8:30 am CEST / 2:30 am EDT / 11:30 pm PDT the night before

Luke Greenwood: “Communicating the Gospel to Europe’s Secularized Youth”. Time: 7:30 pm CEST / 1:30 pm EDT / 10:30 am PDT

Wednesday, 24 May

Conrad Mbewe: “Our God Who Never Changes: Knowing That God Will Reward Faithfulness” (Malachi 3:13-4:6). Time: 8:30 am CEST / 2:30am EDT / 11:30 pm PDT the night before

Lindsay Brown: “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Learning from the Second Century Church”. Time: 7:30 pm CEST / 1:30pm EDT / 10:30 am PDT

Learn more about the European Leadership Forum conference 2023 here.





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