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Queen Elizabeth II dies: UK Christian reactions

The longest-serving monarch of the UK dies at the age of 96. “Jesus’ teachings have been the bedrock of my faith”, she said recently.

AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus LONDON 08 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2022 21:08 h
Queen Elizabeth (1926-2022). / Photo: [link]Royal Family UK [/link].

The Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, died on 8 September at the age of 96 in her state of Balmoral (Scotland).

Her son King Charles III said it was a “moment of great sadness”. “We mourn profoundly the passing of a cherished Sovereign and a much-loved Mother”, adding the loss would be felt “around the world”.

The Queen came to the throne in 1952 and reigned for 70 years. The UK celebrated her Jubilee in spring 2021.

[destacate]Prime Minister Liz Truss: “Queen Elizabeth II was the rock on which modern Britain was built”[/destacate]Queen Elizabeth had met the new Prime Minister of the UK, Liz Truss, two days ago. In statement outside her residence in Downing Street, Truss said Queen Elizabeth had been “the rock on which modern Britain was built”.

A total number of 15 Prime Ministers have lead governments during her reign.

The monarch enjoyed much support among the British public throughout her lifetime.

Elizabeth II was a committed Christian who often spoke about her faith. In her annual Christmas messages, she spoke about her understanding of the gospel as a message of hope. In 2021’s message, she said: “Jesus’ teachings have been the bedrock of my faith”.

In Easter 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was starting, she said that “the risen Christ gives new hope and a fresh purpose”.

[destacate]Elizabeth II in 2021: “Jesus' teaching are the bedrock of my faith”[/destacate]In 2016, the Queen had said: “Billions of people now follow Jesus' teaching and find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them.”

For her 90th birthday, a book authorised by the Queen explained her Christian faith.

Prince Philipp, Elizabeth’s husband, died in April 2021. Those who knew him well say he had a “wonderful knowledge of the Bible” and was “extremely interested in theology”.

[destacate]Archbishop of Canterbury: “She lived out her faith every day of her life”[/destacate]Queen Elizabeth was the head of the Church of England. Its spiritual leader, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who said about her: “As a faithful Christian disciple, and also Supreme Governor of the Church of England, she lived out her faith every day of her life. Her trust in God and profound love for God was foundational in how she led her life – hour by hour, day by day”.

The General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom (EAUK), said: “The Queen has served incredibly & was also the greatest evangelist I could think of. Praying for the family, the nation & many others as we face up to this news.

The leader of the United Kingdom Bible Society also spoke about the Queen, who was patron of the institution.

The Federation of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) wrote: “We affirm the public manner in which she spoke about her Christian faith. Such conspicuous allegiance to Christianity amongst public figures is rare and her boldness to say what she thought was always welcome”.





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