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Protestante Digital


New design, same vision

The new Evangelical Focus is more readable, adapts to all devices and shares our vision better. Readers will have to update their user and newsletters preferences.

EDITORIAL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus MADRID 04 DE MAYO DE 2020 16:04 h
The Evangelical Focus landing site on 4 May 2020. / EF

Five years after our first launch, we have implemented a new design for our website.

The new Evangelical Focus has been launched thanks to the work of designers and programmers who identify with the vision of this media project for Europe.

Some of the improvements include:

- More direct access to contents. On our landing page (home) you will find all our latest contents, organised in a simple way. The sections (Europe, Cities, World, Life & Tech, Culture, Science), our latest opinion articles, the weekend Magazine, our top 10, our social media, and videos and podcasts.

The login and newsletter options have also been simplified.

- Easier to read. We have increased the size of our texts and changed the typography (fonts) to make the reading experience more comfortable.

Now the website perfectly adapts to the devices you’re using: desktop, tablet, smartphone…

- Team and vision better presented. We now share more about the people who form the Evangelical Focus team. Our values and vision, as well as the history of the project, are also better explained.

- Contents are easily shared. We have improved our “sharing” options, adding a whatsapp instant messasing button.

- Better adverstising options. We offer very competitive prices to organisations wanting to advertise on our site. Only in 2019, the audience of Evangelical Focus almost doubled. The figures of 2020 show us that even more people from around the world are using this website. Contact us to learn about how you can advertise with us.


Update you user account to get our Newsletters

As mentioned above, we have used the re-launch of our website to unify the user account. You will now be able to comment on articles, vote on polls and choose to receive our newsletters in one single place.

This means that all users will need to update their preferences (including those who already were getting our newsletter). This very simple step is necessary to make sure we have your explicit consent.

Update your user account and configure your newsletters preferences here.

We also want to use the chance to thank all those of you who support this media project in one way or another. Even small donors make a difference (start by supporting Evangelical Focus with 1€/month).



New Evangelical Focus
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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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