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Passion for Evangelism ‘Wonder’ conference

We recently ran our annual mentoring and training conference. 80 women from across Europe gathered together.

FEATURES AUTOR 263/Nay_Dawson 04 DE MAYO DE 2021 09:00 h
Abuot 80 women joined the 2021 PFE conference. / Photo: Nay Dawson

Over the last year God has opened a door for many women to communicate the gospel in public.

Douglas Johnson in Contending for the Faith writes about the history of IFES (the International Fellowhsip of Evangelical Students). He says “one of the chief lessons of war-time was how little things of the Spirit depend upon material conditions. Both student and graduate evangelists showed to the full, their great resourcefulness in overcoming all sorts of barriers to the spread of the gospel”.

In Passion for Evangelism (PFE) we have seen evidence of this during the last year. Although many churches have had to close their doors, the Holy Spirit has been opening doors for women.

PFE exists to empower, equip and encourage women to share the good news of Jesus with God-given confidence and creativity.

Let’s pause for a moment. How many public evangelists do you know? Now how many of those are women? In 2019 I started PFE. This was in response to a lack of women communicating the gospel in public.

[photo_footer]  All kind of gospel presentations were shared during the conference, including artistic ones. / N. Dawson[/photo_footer] 

In PFE we want to grow in communicating the gospel and we are committed to seeing women flourish. We recently ran our annual mentoring and training conference. 80 women from across Europe gathered together.

One of the unique aspects of our conference is that each guest prepares and gives an evangelistic presentation. We then give warm and constructive feedback in small groups. We want to encourage creativity as we communicate the gospel into our culture.

This year the guests could choose to communicate the gospel in a variety of ways. These included; a talk, a blog, spoken word poetry, short video and even song.

The aim of these sessions is to give women confidence to return home and find opportunities to share the gospel. Cat, a participant, shared afterwards: “PFE conference allowed me to try out a talk in a safe space but also refined it for actual usage!”.

Annie said: “Now I have a talk written, I’m looking for opportunities to use it at an event”.

We also had an opportunity to attend a variety of seminars focused on public evangelism. Liz said: “The conference gave me confidence and boldness to find my flow and style in social media and in preaching”.

[photo_footer]   The PFE goodies box.  [/photo_footer] 

Alongside our practical training we wanted to make time for the gospel to sweep us into Christ’s very heart.

We do not want to be people that only ever share the good news with others. We want to know his deepest heart for us. We enjoyed talks from Revelation and John’s gospel.

We sang together and enjoyed true fellowship in small discussion groups. Sarah says: “It was exceptional. The Bible teaching warmed my heart and spurred me on. It lifted my eyes off myself and on to Christ”.

If you are a woman that wants to grow in communicating the gospel, then get in touch.




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MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

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